Irene Wiecek
Professor, Teaching Stream, Accounting Area; Director, MMPA; Director, BIGDataHUB, University of Toronto Mississauga
Email: wiecek@rotman.utoronto.ca
Website: Rotman School of Management
Irene Wiecek is a Professor of Accounting (Teaching Stream), Director of the MMPA Program, and Director of the BIGDataAIHUB at UTM, with a cross-appointment to the Institute for Management & Innovation and the Rotman School of Management. She has been teaching financial reporting at both the graduate and undergraduate level for many years as well as more broadly, in the profession. Irene earned her B.Com degree from the University of Toronto. She was accorded distinction as a Fellow (FCA) of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario in 2006, and was granted the FCPA designation in 2012.
In 2004, Irene co-founded the CPA/Rotman Centre for Innovation in Accounting Education (CIAE), and held the position of Director until 2018. The CIAE sponsored and funded over 80 projects relating to innovation in accounting education. She founded and directs the BIGDataAIHub research cluster at the Institute for Management & Innovation. The BIGDataAIHUB brings together faculty, students and other stakeholders to study big data, data analytics and artificial intelligence.
In 2018, Irene was invited to join the CPA Canada Foresight inaugural working group. The Foresight project seeks to understand the impact of exponential change on the accounting profession. She currently sits on the Foresight Data Governance Committee. In 2019, she was asked to help establish the newly formed CPA Competency Task Force where she served as Acting Chair until early 2020. Irene currently sits as a Task Force member. The mandate of the Task Force is to rethink the competencies and skills of CPAs in Canada. Globally, Irene is a member of the IFAC International Panel on Accountancy Education. She served on the Canadian Accounting Standards Board IFRS Discussion Group from 2015 until 2020
International Financial Reporting Standards, Blockchain, Distributed Ledger Technologies, Integrative Decision Making, Integrative Educational Models, Use of Multiple Intelligence Theory in Accounting Education, Education of Professional Accountants.
• Intermediate Accounting
Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Wiecek, McConomy John Wiley and Sons Canada 6th - 12th Canadian editions, 2019
• Educating Professionals: Ethics and Judgment in a Changing Learning Environment
Wiecek and McCardle (editors) CPA Canada, First edition, 2015
• IFRS Primer: International GAAP Basics
Wiecek and Young, John Wiley and Sons Canada First edition, 2009
Inaugural IMI Faculty Award, Institute for Management & Innovation (IMI), University of Toronto
CPA Ontario
CPA Canada