Questions by Topic:

Question | Answer |
Is the MMPA Program available on a part-time basis? | No, the MMPA Program is offered on a full-time basis only. |
Is the MMPA degree awarded by the University of Toronto? Is the specific campus indicated on the degree? | Your degree is awarded by the University of Toronto. The campus is not indicated on your degree. |
Are MMPA classes referred to by the year that students are accepted into the Program or the year that students graduate? | MMPA classes are referred to by the year that students will graduate. For example, Class 2020 refers to the class that will graduate in the year 2020. |
Question | Answer |
Do I have to provide transcripts from ALL post-secondary institutions that I have attended? | Yes, except for the University of Toronto. If you obtained your degree from the University of Toronto, you do not need to request official transcripts as the MMPA can retrieve your official transcripts directly. |
Will the Program assess my undergraduate academic standing prior to my applying for admission? | No, you must do a self-assessment based on the Admission Standards provided. We will only assess your application based upon a completed application. |
How are applications evaluated? | All requirements are important and evaluated independently of each other. We look holistically at applicants. We are looking for a combination of academic ability and evidence of leadership ability. |
Can I apply to the program as a mature student? I completed my undergraduate degree 7 years ago. | Yes, we welcome all applicants. If you completed your education more than 5 years ago you would need to apply to our 2 year Plus Foundation Term stream. |
Can I apply to the program after a 3-year degree or does it need to be a 4-year degree? | A 4-year undergraduate degree is required. However, an applicant with a 3-year degree may complete a qualifying year of study. Normally, this requirement would be satisfied by taking the equivalent of a full year of senior-level undergraduate (third- or fourth-year) courses. |
My Canadian university does not use letter grades. How can I assess whether I have the minimum mid-B GPA prior to applying for admission? | For Canadian universities, please use the OLSAS Undergraduate Grading System Conversion Table to guide you in determining whether you meet the minimum GPA requirements for our program. |
Can I apply to the One Year MMPA if I completed my undergraduate studies outside of Canada? | No. Only applicants with an undergraduate degree specialized in accounting from a Canadian university may apply to this stream. If you do not meet this requirement, please apply to the Two Year MMPA. |
If I am reapplying to the MMPA program, can my application from last year be used? | No. Applicants must submit a new application each year. Official supporting documents such as transcripts, GMAT and TOEFL/IELTS scores can be used again for your new application if there has been no change to the documents. If you are reapplying, once you have paid the application fee, please email MMPA to indicate that you are reapplying and the resubmission of applicable supporting documents will be waived. |
Can I apply to both the One Year MMPA and Two Year MMPA? | No, you may apply to only one stream. |
What should the course outlines for advanced standing consist of? | Course outlines must be submitted for each exemption course (other than courses taken at the University of Toronto) and should include: course title and code, text and course materials used, subject areas studied, number of class hours, instructor's name and title, and the course grading scheme. Our preference is that you submit the course outlines that were issued to you by your university when you enrolled in the course. See course outline example HERE. |
What should I do if I do not have the course outlines for my course(s) anymore? | Applicants who cannot provide original course outlines must provide outlines in one of the following ways:
Along with submitting the outline(s) in a method above you will also need to include a Self-Assessment Form with your outline(s) upload. Self-Assessment Form can be found HERE. |
Does my four-year degree have to be a business degree to be eligible for the 2 year stream (Advanced Standing) or can it be in any discipline? | No, it does not have to be a business degree providing you have completed or will complete all the courses required for advanced standing. |
I did not take all the advanced standing courses during my undergrad, but I did complete a professional accounting designation (or certificate, or continuing studies courses). Am I eligible for advanced standing? | No. We will only accept equivalent courses that have been taken for degree credit at a recognized university. |
I have taken intermediate and advanced courses in a particular subject area (e.g. Microeconomics) Which course will be considered for advanced standing? | We will first consider the course that is most pertinent, and then consider your other courses as required. |
How can I tell whether the courses I have taken are equivalent to your courses for advanced standing? | It is recommended that students perform a self-assessment of their courses to determine whether they are eligible for advanced standing based on the content of their courses based on the course descriptions provided here. A student who applies for the Two Year MMPA but is not eligible will automatically be considered for the 3-month Foundation term. |
I have an Official Offer — Now What? | To reserve your seat in our upcoming class, you must:
My offer says I have to complete a course(s)? | You must complete a similar course before you begin the MMPA program, and you must attain at least a B- standing. The course may be taken at any accredited university of your choice. Athabascsa University is a Canadian accredited university that offers courses online and by distance. More detailed questions should be referred to our Registrar, Hans Harding. |
The minimum admission requirement is a mid-B average in the final year. Does this mean a mid-B average in the last five credits taken? | The final year would include your last five full credits or 10 half credits. Courses are assessed on a term-by-term basis so the final year may include more than the 5 full credits or 10 half credits. |
I have obtained both an undergraduate and a graduate degree. Which grades will be considered in determining the entrance requirement? | Your final year GPA of your undergraduate degree will be the basis of admission. However, you must also maintain a mid-B average throughout your graduate degree. If you did not meet the mid-B average in the final year of your undergraduate program, your graduate degree may be considered in lieu of an upgrading year. |
Is there a minimum number of courses that I must take in my last year? I completed 5 courses last semester, and this semester I am only taking 3 courses in my last year. Is this a problem? | Your GPA is calculated based on your final 5 full courses or 10 half courses for admission into the MMPA Program. If you do not meet the required number of courses in your final year, we would then refer to your previous year for the required courses. |
Do you need to have full-time work experience after completing your bachelor's degree? | No, you do not require previous work experience. We do accept students directly from undergraduate studies. |
I have been accepted into the 2 year plus foundation stream, is it recommended that I take introductory courses in finance and accounting prior to entering the Program? | No, the Program begins with the basics and is designed for students that have not studied business before. We only recommend that you refresh your math skills if you have not taken a math course recently. |
Do you need to have full-time work experience after completing your bachelor's degree? | No, you do not require previous work experience. We do accept students directly from undergraduate studies. |
Question | Answer |
Will the Program assess my undergraduate academic standing prior to my applying for admission? | No, you must do a self-assessment based on the Admission Standards provided. We will only assess your application based upon a completed application. |
Can I apply coming from an arts or science undergrad without any business or accounting experience? | Yes! By providing a foundation term over the summer, it allows for students to obtain a solid business foundation on which they will build on throughout the program. |
What are the undergraduate backgrounds for most of the students in the program? | Students who are admitted to our program come from a variety of undergraduate backgrounds, including arts, business, science, engineering, economics and others. |
Do you need to have full-time work experience after completing your bachelor's degree? | No, you do not require previous work experience. We do accept students directly from undergraduate studies. |
I have never completed an undergraduate degree but I have several years of work experience and courses from institutions other than a university. Do I qualify for admission as a mature student? | No, you will not be admitted. You must complete at least a four-year bachelor's degree with a mid-B average in your final year of study if you wish to be admitted to the Program. |
Is it okay if my four-year undergraduate degree includes transfer credits from a college? | Yes. If your home university has given credit for the courses and granted a four-year degree, then it is acceptable. |
I have completed a three-year undergraduate degree. Can my required qualifying year to a four-year degree be part of a Post-Graduate Diploma? | Your qualifying year must consist of an additional full year of which the majority of courses must be senior level courses (i.e. at the 3rd or 4th year level) and the courses must be considered degree credits by the home university. |
I am applying during my final year of study. Which course grades would you base my admission on? | You can be offered conditional acceptance to the Program provided you have a mid-B average in your previous full year of academic study, and you have met all other entrance requirements. You must then complete your final year of study with a minimum of a mid-B average and provide proof that your degree has been conferred before you will be allowed to register. |
The minimum admission requirement is a mid-B average in the final year. Does this mean a mid-B average in the last five credits taken? | The final year would include your last five full credits or 10 half credits. Courses are assessed on a term-by-term basis so the final year may include more than the 5 full credits or 10 half credits. Note: if you are applying to our program in your fourth year of your undergraduate degree than we would assess your third year for admission purposes and if accepted your offer would be conditional upon meeting the minimum required thresholds in your fourth year. |
Does your program accept non-degree students? I am interested in taking certain courses of your Program to fulfill the requirements of the CPA designation. | The MMPA Program does not admit non-degree students. |
I have obtained both an undergraduate and a graduate degree. Which grades will be considered in determining the entrance requirement? | Your final year GPA of your undergraduate degree will be the basis of admission. However, you must also maintain a mid-B average throughout your graduate degree. If you did not meet the mid-B average in the final year of your undergraduate program, your graduate degree may be considered in lieu of an upgrading year. |
Is there a minimum number of courses that I must take in my last year? I completed 5 courses last semester, and this semester I am only taking 3 courses in my last year. Is this a problem? | Your GPA is calculated based on your final 5 full courses or 10 half courses for admission into the MMPA Program. If you do not meet the required number of courses in your final year, we would then refer to your previous year for the required courses. |
I have never completed an undergraduate degree but I have several years of work experience and courses from institutions other than a university. Do I qualify for admission as a mature student? | No, you will not be admitted. You must complete at least a four-year bachelor's degree with a mid-B average in your final year of study if you wish to be admitted to the Program. |
I have completed a three-year undergraduate degree. Can my required qualifying year to a four-year degree be part of a Post-Graduate Diploma? | Your qualifying year must consist of an additional full year of which the majority of courses must be senior level courses (i.e. at the 3rd or 4th year level) and the courses must be considered degree credits by the home university. |
My GPA is B-, will your program consider some other factors such as work experience and GMAT results even if I don't have a high enough GPA? | No, you must meet our minimum GPA requirement. |
Question | Answer |
What is the GMAT? | The GMAT is the Graduate Management Admissions Test. It is designed to test how well a person will perform in the first year of a graduate business program. Please refer to the GMAT web site for more detailed information. |
Is it possible to write the GRE instead of the GMAT? | No - there is no substitute test. |
How do I request a GMAT waiver if I am eligible? | The GMAT waiver can be requested once the application fee has been paid. You would then email the MMPA program to advise which criteria you meet and provide your application number. |
How do I register for the GMAT? | You can register for the GMAT on-line at the GMAT web site, by telephone, by mail or at one of the designated test centres. Please refer to the GMAT web site for further information. |
Which GMAT Program Code should I use for the MMPA Program when I write the test? | Our GMAT Program Code is BTD-88-76, or request your scores be made available to the “the MMPA program”. |
I already hold a Master's degree for which the GMAT test was required (e.g. MBA) Do I still need to fulfill your Program's GMAT requirement? | Yes, you must fulfill our Program's GMAT requirement. |
What was the average GMAT score for the last class admitted to the Program? | The average GMAT score for students admitted is 700. |
I wrote the GMAT test but unfortunately, I did not achieve all your listed GMAT score requirements. Do I need to write the GMAT again? | Yes, you must achieve all minimum GMAT score requirements to be considered for admission to the Program. |
When reviewing an application do you use an applicant's highest GMAT score, the most recent GMAT score, or do you average all an applicant's GMAT scores? | We always use an applicant's highest GMAT score as the basis for our decision when we review an application. |
Is there a limit to the number of times an applicant can write and submit the GMAT test scores? | No, an applicant can write and submit their GMAT scores as many times as they want. We will always use the best score in making our admission decision. |
How long is the GMAT score valid? | The GMAT score expires 5 years after the date it was written. |
Do I have to write the GMAT again if my score is older than 5 years? | Yes. |
I plan on taking the GMAT after the applications for MMPA open. Can I start my application early and provide the scores once I get them? | Yes, please start your application as early as possible. You can add documents as you complete them. Additionally, starting your application early provides your referees with more time to complete. |
How can I report my scores to MMPA? Do you want them sent electronically or by mail. | Please request your scores be made available to the “MMPA program”. We will accept your official score report electronically through our administration portal with GMAT. |
How long does it take for the MMPA Program office to receive my official GMAT score report after I write the test? | The official score report is available after 3-5 business days from the day of writing. MMPA will obtain official scores intermittingly throughout the application period. |
I requested my GMAT scores to be provided to the MMPA program, but I don’t see it as being received by the program. What should I do? |
English Proficiency
Question | Answer |
My English language proficiency test scores are below your required minimums. Is it possible to still be admitted to the Program with these scores? | No, you must achieve the required minimums listed in our calendar to be considered for admission. |
I sent my English language proficiency test result to the University of Toronto previously, but it has now expired. Can I still use this score to be considered for admission to the Program? | No, you must write the test again if your score has expired before you have been given an offer of admission. |
Do the University of Toronto's School of Continuing Studies' ESL courses qualify an applicant for an exemption from the English language proficiency requirements? | Yes, if you complete UofT's School of Continuing Studies English Language Program, Level Academic English, Level 60 course with a grade of at least B you will be exempted from writing an English language proficiency test. |
For any and all other inquiry, please contact us.