Soo Min Toh


Soo Min Toh

Soo Min Toh

Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour & HR Management; Director, Institute for Management & Innovation (IMI), Department of Management, University of Toronto Mississauga



Phone:     905-569-4971

Office:      KN 2226                                                        

Address:  Kaneff Centre, 3359 Mississauga Rd.
                  Mississauga, ON, L5L 1C6
Website:   Rotman School of Management



Soo Min Toh is an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto, and Director of the Institute for Management & Innovation (IMI) at the University of Toronto Mississauga. She successfully taught Managing People in Organizations (MGT1362) in the MMPA Program from 2015 – 2019.

Her research has been featured frequently in various popular media outlets, including the Globe & Mail, The NY Times, and the Harvard Business Review. Soo Min is also Professorial Fellow at the University of Edinburgh Business School and has held grants totaling over $800,000. She is also a member of the Committee on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Research and Innovation at the University of Toronto, and is Co-Editor of the Society of I/O Psychology Frontiers Series.



Ph.D., Texas A&M University
BBS, Nanyang Technological University



Teaches courses in International management, Cross-cultural OB, HRM, OB, and Organizational Theory & Design.

Research interests include Leadership, Cross-cultural Management, Women Leaders, Intergroup Helping, Knowledge Exchange, Workplace Abuse and the Careers of New Immigrants, and High Performance Human Resource Systems



   •  Cultural Responses to Victimization in the Workplace
Toh, S. M., & Gunz, H. P.                                                                                                                Working paper                     

  •   Individual Differences Influence When Social Undermining Matters to Employment            Efficacy and Career Success of Immigrant Professionals
Toh, S. M., & Gunz, H. P., Yanar, B.                                                                                                Working paper

   •   When do Host Country Nationals Help Expatriates? The Roles of Identification with           the Multinational Enterprise and Career Development Support by the Subsidiary 
Yamao, S., Yoshikawa, T., Choi, D. J., & Toh, S. M.                                                                        Journal of International Management, 2021

   •   A temporal perspective on the role of HRM in refugee employment – Advancing                 theory and practice
Betina Szkudlarek, Luciara Nardon, and Soo Min Toh                                                                    Human Resource Management Journal, 2021

   •   Host country national quality of interaction with expatriates: antecedents, process,            and outcome
Chun-Hsiao Wang and Soo Min Toh                                                                                               International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2021



   •   Policy issues in careers: The case of internal migration in China
Schmitz, M. & Toh, S. M.                                                                                                                Routledge Companion to Career Studies. New York, London: Routledge, 2019

   •   The Perspective of Host Country Nationals in Socializing Expatriates: The                            Importance of Foreign–Local Relations
Soo Min Toh, Angelo S. DeNisi, and Geoffrey J. Leonardelli                                                                The Oxford Handbook of Socialization, Oxford University Press, 2011

   •  Building Expatriate-Host Country National Relationships: The Effects of Human                 Resources Practices, International Strategy, and Mode of Entry
DeNisi, A. S., Toh, S. M., & Connelly, B.                                                                                       International HRM and International Assignments, Palgrave Macmillan Publishers, 2006




Gender & Diversity in Organizations’ Transnational Research Award from the Academy of          Management


Careers Division Best Symposium Award 


PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS/ MEMBERSHIPS                                            

European Group for Organizational Studies

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychologists

Academy of Management

Association for Psychological Science