Sustainability Metrics and Value Creation: Action in Motion
Each year, the Master of Management & Professional Accounting (MMPA) program hosts a one-day MMPA conference on topics that deal with the forces that are shaping our changing landscape in the accounting profession. Given that we are part of the Institute for Management & Innovation (IMI), the MMPA conferences focus on innovations (technological and otherwise) and opportunities afforded by ongoing change. We explore how accountants apply their human skills/values and professional competencies to continually create value.
The MMPA program, which provides a unique combination of a core MBA curriculum combined with the CPA pathway, hosts the conference series as part of the student curriculum, inviting academics, members of the accounting profession and practitioners from different disciplines to share their experiences and research to spark new ideas and ways of thinking. We are thankful for our partnerships with CPA Canada and the IMI BIGDataAIHUB (which acts as a sandbox, allowing stakeholders to gather, share idea and learn about big data and artificial intelligence).
About the 2022 MMPA Conference
Embracing sustainability requires that organizations create value while meeting stakeholder expectations along three dimensions, environmental, social, and governance (ESG). But not only must organizations consider the impact of these factors on the organization’s value, they need to consider the impact that the organization has on surrounding communities, economies and the planet. The accounting profession must play a critical role in helping organizations become more sustainable and in enhancing the quality of sustainability measures and disclosures. The lack of an enforceable sustainability reporting framework and reliable and established metrics presents significant difficulties. Organizations and the investment community still face the challenge of integrating sustainability metrics into strategy development and investment decisions.
This conference invites a group of world-renowned scholars, prominent accounting standard setters, accounting industry leaders, and sustainability reporting and assurance experts, to explore a wide range of sustainability measurement and disclosure issues. For example, should sustainability reporting be voluntary or mandated? What is the role of accounting standard setters? How can sustainability-based performance measures be used to enhance value creation? How should climate change risk be assessed in investment portfolios? How can assurance enhance the reliability of disclosures? The goal of the conference is to identify mechanisms as well as steps the accounting profession can take to make sustainability a foundation of our economy.
Note: Members of CPA Canada may claim CPD credits for the number of hours they attend the conference.
Conference Details
Topic: Sustainability metrics and value creation: action in motion
When: November 18, 2022
8 am breakfast (In person attendees)
8:30 am to 3:30 pm Conference
Where: Mississauga and virtual via Zoom
On-demand Recordings Available. Click to Watch the Conference
Keynote and Featured Speakers
Keynote: Professor Hans Christenson
Chookaszian Family Professor of Accounting, David G. Booth Faculty Fellow, University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
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Professor Khrystyna Bochkay
Associate Professor of Accounting, the University of Miami, Academic Fellow at SASB and ISSB.
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Professor Kelsey Leonard
Assistant Professor, the Faculty of Environment, the University of Waterloo.
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Professor Irene Wiecek
Professor of Accounting, Director of the MMPA Program, Director of BIGDataAIHUB.
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Conference Agenda
Click here to view/download full agenda
8:00 AM |
Breakfast (please arrive early) |
8:30 AM |
Introductory Remarks Professor Irene Wiecek Professor Shashi Kant Karen Jones Professor Yue Li, |
Watch Introduction |
8:45 AM |
Keynote Speech: Current CSR Reporting and Issues to Consider before Mandating CSR Reporting Professor Hans B. Christensen
Watch Keynote Speech |
9:45 AM |
Recent Developments in Sustainability Reporting Professor Khrystyna Bochkay
Watch Speech |
10:30 - 10:45 AM | Coffee Break | |
10:45 AM |
ESG Metrics and the Future of Corporate Reporting – Building Trust and Enhancing Value Nura Taef
Slides not available |
Watch Speech |
11:30 AM |
Assurance of Sustainability Reports Scott Morrison
Watch Speech |
12:15 - 1:30 PM | Lunch Break and Keynote Speech | |
12:45 PM |
Keynote Speech: Sustainability Metrics and ISSB’s Mission JingDong Hua
Watch Keynote Speech |
1:30 - 1:45 PM | Break | |
1:45 PM |
Sustainability Metrics and ESG Investment Professor Aneesh Raghunandan
Watch Speech |
2:30 PM |
Indigenous perspectives on ESG Metrics Professor Kelsey Leonard
Watch Speech |
3:15 PM |
Concluding Remarks and Sustainability: The Way Forward Professor Irene Wiecek
Watch Concluding Remarks |