Abraham Iqbal
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream in Accounting, Department of Management at the University of Toronto Mississauga
Email: abraham.iqbal@utoronto.ca
Phone: 905-569-5806
Office: KN 208
Address: Kaneff Centre, 3359 Mississauga Rd.
Mississauga, ON, L5L 1C6
Website: Department of Management, University of Toronto Mississauga
Abraham earned his Master in Taxation from the University of Waterloo, and holds the Canadian CPA, CA and US CPA (Illinois) designations. Before joining the University of Toronto, he was a Senior Manager at Ernst & Young LLP where his practice focused on advising multinational clients on structuring cross-border acquisitions, divestitures, corporate reorganizations and financing transactions. Abraham was also an Executive Director, Taxation at Fairmont Raffles Hotels International Inc. Abraham teaches courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels at the University of Toronto Mississauga and Rotman School of Management, as well as courses with CPA Ontario and the CPA Canada In-Depth Tax Program.
M.Tax., University of Waterloo
B.Com., University of Toronto
CPA, Illinois
Teaches Taxation II (MGT2207), Taxation III (MGT2208), and Integration and Professional Decision Making Initiatives II (MGT2283A)
Abraham has been the recipient of numerous Rotman Excellence in Teaching Awards and MMPA Faculty Awards. He serves on the CPA Canada Professional Education Program Board of Examiners, the MMPA Curriculum Committee, and the Rotman Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting Planning Committee.