Pankaj Aggarwal
Professor of Marketing, Department of Management, University of Toronto Scarborough
Email: paggarwal@rotman.utoronto.ca
Phone: 416-978-4253
Website: Rotman School of Management
Pankaj Aggarwal is a Professor of Marketing in the Department of Management at the University of Toronto-Scarborough, with a cross-appointment to the Marketing area at Rotman. He sits on the editorial boards of the Journal of Consumer Research and the Journal of Consumer Psychology, and former Associate Chair of the Department of Management at the University of Toronto-Scarborough.
His articles have appeared in the Journal of Consumer Research, Psychological Science, Journal of Marketing Research and Journal of Consumer Psychology among others. His research uses the metaphor of brands-as-people and examines consumer behaviour in the context of consumer-brand relationships, including anthropomorphism. He teaches Integrated Marketing Communications, Marketing Strategy and Principles of Marketing for undergrads, and Consumer Behavior seminar for Ph.D. students.
Ph.D., University of Chicago
MBA, University of Chicago
MBA, Indian Institute of Management
BA in Economics, St. Stephen's College, Delhi University
Teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in Principles of Marketing, Advertising, and Marketing Strategy, Seminar in Consumer Psychology, Consumer Behaviour.
Research interests include Consumer-Brand Relationships, Anthropomorphism, and Transgressions.
• The Face of Political Beliefs: Why Gender Matters for Electability Ahreum Maeng and Pankaj Aggarwal Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, Special issue on Political Ideology and Consumption, 2022
• The 3 C's of Anthropomorphism: Connection, Comprehension, and Competition
Yang, Linyun, Pankaj Aggarwal, and Ann L. McGill Consumer Psychology Review, Vol 3, Issue 1, 2019, pp. 3-19
• No Small Matter: How Company Size Affects Consumer Expectations and Evaluations
Yang, Linyun and Pankaj Aggarwal Journal of Consumer Research, Issue 45, 2019, pp. 1369-1384
• Facing Dominance: Anthropomorphism and the Effect of Product Face Ratio on Consumer Preference
Maeng, Ahreum and Pankaj Aggarwal Journal of Consumer Research, Issue 44, 2018, pp. 1104-1122
• Monogamous versus Polygamous Brand Relationships
Pankaj Aggarwal and Mengze Shi Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, Issue 3(2), 2018, pp. 188-201
• The Science of Extraordinary Beliefs: An Introduction to This Issue
Aggarwal, Pankaj, Lauren Block, Thomas Kramer, and Ann L. McGill Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, Issue 3(4), 2018, pp. 451-453
• Gaining Power through Dominant Looking Products
Maeng, Ahreum and Pankaj Aggarwal Understanding Indian Consumer, Oxford University Press, 2018, pp. 194-214
• Anthropomorphism
Pankaj Aggarwal and Ann L. McGill International Handbook of Consumer Psychology, Routledge, New York, 2017, pp.600- 618
• Befriending Mr. Clean: The Role of Anthropomorphism in Consumer Brand Relationships
Wan, Jing and Pankaj Aggarwal Strong Brands, Strong Relationships, Routledge, 2015, pp. 119-134
• Dominant Designs: The Role of Product Face-Ratios and Anthropomorphism on Consumer Preferences
Maeng, Ahreum and Pankaj Aggarwal The Psychology of Design, Routledge, 2015
2015 - 2017
Fellow, Institute of Brand and Brand Relationships
Ranked as one of the pre-eminent marketing scholars in Consumer Behavior. (1st in Canada, 4th in Non-US schools, top 25 in the world including the US) in a recent paper, Journal of Marketing Education
Keynote Speaker, 3rd International Consumer-Brand Relationship Conference
2018 onwards
Member Editorial Board, Journal of Consumer Research
2016 onwards
Associate Editor, Journal of Consumer Research